For thousands of years Australia’s first
people have been intricately connected to the land. They are custodians with
spiritual and environmental obligations and see the land as a living entity.
Travelling their respective country and understanding every aspect of the
landscape is a uniquely Aboriginal tradition that non-Indigenous defined this
tradition with the word ‘walkabout’.
The aborigine walkabout: Many aborigines Australia
send their young men into the wilderness for up to 6 months to test whether
they are ready to become men. The boys must survive, unassisted, and keep
themselves totally isolated. When they return after 6 months they will be
considered men of the tribe.
indisputably belongs to Australia’s Aboriginal culture and it has long
fascinated Australians. The concept first surfaced in Australian popular
culture in the magazine titled Walkabout in 1934 that combined cultural,
geographic, and scientific content with travel literature. Then in the 1950s
the Australian Broadcasting Corporation screened a TV series called Australian
(My opinion)
I choose this rite of passage after read a
lot of different ones. Indeed I thought that this rite of passage was the worst
one but instead it was the less dangerous. Of course it is dangerous but
everything can be more or less dangerous so my point of view is that the
Aborigine Walkabout is less than others. I think in the third world no one is
able to experiment something like this. It’s impressive to know that there are still
people able to survive alone 6 months in the wilderness. People with the
necessary knowledge for take care himself and survive.
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