divendres, 31 de març del 2017

Is jealousy natural?

At first glance, the word “jealousy” may seem a word that describes people in a negative way. However, if we talk about the nature of the feeling, basing our thoughts on the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, since very young we experience jealousy when, in the case of boys, their father becomes a figure that steals them time from their mother’s attention, and in the case of girls, their mother steals time from their father’s attention. Nevertheless, as Armengol, R., Creixell, J., Riera, R., & Sáinz, F. say, some people experience obsessive or childish feelings of jealousy, but we can all feel that a good and healthy relationship is emotionally threatened. Another thing is how we reason and proceed in those circumstances, in which there are people who can react in a possessive and obsessive way and make this feeling become harmful for both the person being the apparent cause of jealousy and the person activating it.

In my opinion, like all feelings and emotions, jealousy is natural and innate in people and a bad management of it can produce negative social situations. I think that the secret not to get to extreme situations is to learn how to manage it and let the nature of this feeling affect individuals in a regulated way, letting it be a sign of esteem rather than a sense of belonging. Despite the above, every individual is a whole different world and feel in very different ways, which could make us doubt of the nature of feelings and emotions, as in the case of jealousy.

(Armengol, R., Creixell, J., Riera, R., & Sáinz, F. El futur de la psicoanàlisi des d’una perspectiva independent1. “The future of psychoanalysis from an independent perspective”)

dissabte, 25 de març del 2017


Some people have always tried to change the world for the better.

Nevertheless, we don't always have the same ideas of "a better world". That's why through history we have had dictatorships, or other politic systems where those who were leaders believed that they were proposing the best option.

So, we can say that the idea of a better world is interpretable; all of us have different ideas and I think we all agree with it. 

Even so, I'm sure that few ideas are commonly accepted by the majority, we just don't know yet which ones.

These few ideas, thanks to the internet, can be shared and seen by millions and millions of people. A lot more than years ago without internet.

That's why I believe the Internet users can change the world into a "better one" or in the way people think it will be better.

Although people would change the world, the idea of a better world isn't always included. I think people are egotistical. No one does something without a reason. Even the kindest person does things to make people happy because it make them happy too, and here we are, including our self.

The world don’t stop to turn because of our individuals benefits. Our selfish attitudes make us change things and many changings should change any world. 

The case is; being egotistical will bring us a better world or a bad one ? I just can affirm that the internet has the power of producing a global and universal changing faster as never before. Because nowadays, we live in an interconnected world.

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017

Extra (Letter)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position as a waitress in your new restaurant, as advertised in the newspaper the 12nd of March of 2017. 

I am a 28 year-old girl and I have graduated in the hotel trade. I have always taken a keen interest in working in a restaurant. I am a team player, which is why I had work as an event organizer every New Year for my secondary school. The people around me used to say I am a hard worker.

In addition, I am interested in all the cultures and I spend a lot of my free time reading books about cultural traditions.

I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae for you to look at. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me and could you please tell me how much I would earn.

I am able to attend an interview at your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully

Faustine Gabard
Believe in you, in life, in things

Forebodings are caused by dreads. Dread is caused by the unknown. Those unknown that wear etiquettes. Etiquettes that are established by a society.
Let me give you an example: We are walking in the street and we ask what time is it. However you go to ask could kidnap you. You would say that looking at the person you can see if there is a safe person or not. And here we are, with etiquettes. The strangest person can be more reliable than the most normal person.

Don’t you ever listen at someone says things are not always as they seem. That’s true and we should always remember that. Go to explore and learn about people, all of us have something to bring you. Feelings, thoughts and experiences can be shared. That’s why don’t be shy nor fearful because life isn’t perfect, but that’s why it makes you learn many things. And the most important, doesn’t make you shrink because you are a special person as all the people around you. All of us have something unique to bring to others.
Beautiful new words for describe obscure emotions
(http://www.ted.com/talks/john_koenig_beautiful_new_words_to_describe_obscure_emotions#t-436189 )

John Koenig loves finding words that express our unarticulated feelings — like "lachesism", the hunger for disaster, and "sonder", the realization that everyone else's lives are as complex and unknowable as our own. Here, he meditates on the meaning we assign to words and how these meanings latch onto us.

I don’t know what to say about that speech apart that I totally agree with John Koenig. The only thought I was thinking listening to this ted video was “Yes, it’s true!”
Words have the power to make us see the world in a way. Why in one way and not in another? Because a world is like a perspective. A perspective of something or feelings.
Those words are made by people like us. So finally, the words we created to define things and feelings, define us because they represent our perspective and our feelings.
John Koening says that some words are missing to express our feelings. That’s true, but because people still haven’t created them.

That’s just a question of time!