divendres, 31 de març del 2017

Is jealousy natural?

At first glance, the word “jealousy” may seem a word that describes people in a negative way. However, if we talk about the nature of the feeling, basing our thoughts on the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, since very young we experience jealousy when, in the case of boys, their father becomes a figure that steals them time from their mother’s attention, and in the case of girls, their mother steals time from their father’s attention. Nevertheless, as Armengol, R., Creixell, J., Riera, R., & Sáinz, F. say, some people experience obsessive or childish feelings of jealousy, but we can all feel that a good and healthy relationship is emotionally threatened. Another thing is how we reason and proceed in those circumstances, in which there are people who can react in a possessive and obsessive way and make this feeling become harmful for both the person being the apparent cause of jealousy and the person activating it.

In my opinion, like all feelings and emotions, jealousy is natural and innate in people and a bad management of it can produce negative social situations. I think that the secret not to get to extreme situations is to learn how to manage it and let the nature of this feeling affect individuals in a regulated way, letting it be a sign of esteem rather than a sense of belonging. Despite the above, every individual is a whole different world and feel in very different ways, which could make us doubt of the nature of feelings and emotions, as in the case of jealousy.

(Armengol, R., Creixell, J., Riera, R., & Sáinz, F. El futur de la psicoanàlisi des d’una perspectiva independent1. “The future of psychoanalysis from an independent perspective”)

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