divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

The danger of hiding who you are

(Summary) Morgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralyzing.

Why speak? Because she realized that her silence has personal, professional and societal consequences.

In front of an audience of her co-workers, she reflects on what it means to fear the judgment of others, and how it makes us judge ourselves.

(Opinion) This TED makes me think about Nietzschei that said we are what we think.  My point of view is that a person feels judge when something of his attitude or appearance makes him think it. In fact deeply inside we reflect what we think we are. This idea of us is based on the vision that we supposed people have of us. Sadly this vision or supposition of what people think on us is an excuse for tell our self the truth or the reality. A reality that we don’t want to accept but that deeply inside we know. Morgana Bailey for 16 years hasn’t been in harmony with his own person. She didn’t accept his situation because she judges his own self and here there is the truth that she didn’t want to accept and that she reflect with the supposing opinion of other on her.

You should stay with the idea that when you accept what people are supposedly thinking is that you accept who you are. Believe in you and people are or will accept who you are.

Fashion cycle Girona
(The first Edition cycle Girona)

All enterprises want to make more and more money. This begun with the Industrial Revolution and spread nowadays with globalization.

There are different industries and the ones I want to talk about are the clothes ones. More than the clothes industries I would like to talk about the way they get know their brand to public.  As many economical activities, they know that they must be known by the public to increase their sales. A way to get it, is the advertisement.

There are many different types of advertisements nowadays. We have billboards, magazine ads, television ads, online in websites, etc.

This 8th Saturday of October, 2016 in Gerona, I had the opportunity to be present at a new way to promote clothes and brands. This different and original way consisted on employ models with the idea that they promote wearing branded clothes, going by bike, throughout through the city.

dilluns, 3 d’octubre del 2016

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

To sum up this video this sentence is perfect “Our bodies change our minds and our minds change our behavior and our behavior changes our outcomes”.

Body language affects how others see us, but it also changes how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” – standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident – can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Scientists say that our behavior changes until our thirties. Well in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, we can and do still change, but these changes come more slowly, and require more effort, said Paul T. Costa Jr., scientist emeritus at the laboratory of behavioral science at the National Institutes of Health (http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/11/how-much-can-you-really-change-after-30.html ). Why am I telling you this? Because perhaps our behavior doesn’t change anymore or just a little bit after our thirties but as Amy Cuddy says we should believe in or self to have better results. How? Like she said with power posing there’re reactions in your brain. Many things change during a short instant. And the beauty of this speech is that she tries to convince us that doing it often and not only a few times, it will not be only different during an instant, you will find results in the future.

Look at life in pink and it will present itself in pink. I mean if you act with confidence you will obtain everything you want to undertake. It makes me think in the Kaizen’s method that says even the longest path begins with a step, and there’s nothing bad in to be a short one. So think that the way you are standing right now could change your future.

Hello Lourdes,

My name is Faustine Gabard, I'm a 17-year-old girl that hopes that one day she will switch on a light, not the one that is in the kitchen neither the one in the bathroom or the one in the living room, none of those. I hope one day I will switch on the light next to my bed and in this instant I'll be sure to be on the right path.

We know that the path to success has many potholes and we know that sometimes things or people can deviate our direction. Precisely for this reason, the most important thing for success is never to forget our goals.

I will be honest, I don't really know right now what are my long-term goals... well, I have the ones that every student has: try to achieve my best grades to finally have the opportunity to enter into any university. Yes, I said "any" because I don't know which degree I would like to do. This isn't really important yet, so if we suppose that all I said before happens, I hope  I will find a good job, one that I like and where I can earn enough money to have a good life.

I will end this e-mail telling you a short-term goal that I think all humans should have. This short goal is to try to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible today, tomorrow and the days to come, because I'm convinced that if everybody does, our planet will be there for our children, our children's children and all the future generations.

We should think that if our ancestors had been selfish as some of us are now and they had had our technology surely, we would not have been here writing an e-mail to our fantastic English teacher.

My Best, Faustine Gabard :)