divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

The danger of hiding who you are

(Summary) Morgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralyzing.

Why speak? Because she realized that her silence has personal, professional and societal consequences.

In front of an audience of her co-workers, she reflects on what it means to fear the judgment of others, and how it makes us judge ourselves.

(Opinion) This TED makes me think about Nietzschei that said we are what we think.  My point of view is that a person feels judge when something of his attitude or appearance makes him think it. In fact deeply inside we reflect what we think we are. This idea of us is based on the vision that we supposed people have of us. Sadly this vision or supposition of what people think on us is an excuse for tell our self the truth or the reality. A reality that we don’t want to accept but that deeply inside we know. Morgana Bailey for 16 years hasn’t been in harmony with his own person. She didn’t accept his situation because she judges his own self and here there is the truth that she didn’t want to accept and that she reflect with the supposing opinion of other on her.

You should stay with the idea that when you accept what people are supposedly thinking is that you accept who you are. Believe in you and people are or will accept who you are.

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